Faith and Medicine come Together
Gary and Pam
Robinson have been a team since they married in 1994. Both natives of New York City, they
realized that God brought them together for a specific purpose, which is to uplift His
kingdom. As founders and owners of the De Novo Family Medical Care in Fayetteville North Carolina, they realized that patient care is more than just medicine, it is a ministry. Their office was never a traditional medical office. During their years in practice, they often found themselves praying and providing spiritual counsel when medication alone was not sufficient. Even though Gary has a medical degree from the College of Medicine at Howard University in Washington, D.C. and Pam has a Bachelor in Business Administration Degree from Bernard M. Baruch College in New York City, their passion is to teach and educate people. This, along with their passion for the Word of God, has led them to develop De Novo Ministers, which was birthed out of De Novo Family Medical Care. Their belief is that faith and medicine coming together will promote true healing. Its mission is to teach people how to put away the old, traditional way of thinking about themselves, about God, and about their health and take on a new attitude by teaching them natural and spiritual principles from the Word of God and conventional medicine. It is their expectation that people will experience holistic health (spirit, soul and body) as well as a closer, more intimate relationship with God. In addition to patient care, both have extensive experience in teaching and have given well-received lectures to adults as well as children. They are currently providing seminars and teachings on the "Faith and Medicine Principle". Learn what God's word says about your health. Combines the principles of nature regarding weight management with spiritual and principles taken from the Holy Bible. Contact them at (910) 425-3587 |